Music for Everyone


Electric Frequency

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(Twinkle sounds and light electrical) Starlight and sunlight The sparkle of your eyes reflect in this light The softness of your skin The feeling of kindness A caress a connection Someone elses total blindness Dont see my value thats on you I see my value and its finally true The beauty beyond the veil of the past A glimmer at the future and the opportunities vast A princess A bride A lady with a dream To go to the ends of the earth to find what she means To herself Now she is home wherever she is Truly at home in the woman she is Shes unafraid Unbuffered and powerfully calm She is a shark and shes quietly armed with the knowledge she possesses only sacrifice can bring Because you sacrifice yourself in the fires that have been Love for the truth The truth in love with her Finds her a wherever she is and she makes space at the pond for what truly is

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