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The Price

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Feathers are sacred sometimes I suppose, but a soft drifting flames not like as the rose,aroma so sweetly by love only knows that something mistaken, its heavenlys shaken shame! But Drowning in sorrows a mark for the beast, break bread of the envy while teaching to feast! Only lost, only falling and feeling no grace is the one reaching worlds with hands made of flesh with dirt on their face...the seekers teach you after self but nothing is greater to give up your wealth and follow HE! The so-called weak ones are the real ones!Oh, and the real ones, theyre not the weak one!Because the Last shall be first and then first shall be last! Dont mistake kindness a weakness its really a strength! When first shall be last and last shall be first, this worlds royal strong ones have hunger and thirst though they can buy anything! Theyll try anything just to feel theyre full! They fly anything that goes and anywhere without the rose of truth! So, Close your mind and look to heaven!Close your eyes and then youll see! Inward and upward the soul pays a fee! without such a message, we seek to be free but....we, the weaker, are, Free! For whom the son sets FREE IS FREE INDEED! Not who but What!are you!?Do You follow truth?Are you being true?Are you walking through? Are you one of few?Are you really you!?Are you waking too!? Do you see it too? Were almost through and were very few!Its a very narrow road and those who find it are few!So-called weak ones are the real ones!And the real ones,theyre not the weak one!Cause the Last shall be first and then first shall count the cost![outro][Instrumental Interlude][fadeout][end]

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