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She goes crazy for moonlight Walks With every little heartbeat she steals the show But when the sun goes down there she goes With a splash of paint in her hands She goes creating worlds in color where the magic flows She goes crazy in love for me She goes crazy Its funny how she goes crazy When she finds what she is looking for she goes crazy when i drive Goes berserk when I tell a white lie I act a fool when i am trying to be cool She goes wild in bed she goes flying in my car she goes crazy Staying up late for midnught talks She goes putting up memories on the wall She goes crazy when the grass too tall She goes crazy when we are driving too slow she goes crazy when her favorite song comes on the radio She goes sneaking around She goes out of control Goes out wirh her friends It never ends We are losing control Our love starts togo Tell me it isnt so I dont want her togo But she goes Breaking my heart How did this start No matter how much or how hard i try [Outtro] She goes crazy Into the moonlight with a splash of paint in her hand creating worlds that a man cannot understand she goes crazy for one night stand she goes crazy anytime she can she goes Falling in Love for me aint that crazy
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