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Dear God, If I wrote you a letter on your behalf, would it be of your love or your timely wrath? The people are pleading and begging for change, these times they are wicked in fact theyre deranged! What say you my Father of heaven above? Do you think its near time to come for your love? The Bride of you Lord is ready and waiting, but grieved is your spirit for those who are fading! Your heart is so broken that all still dont know, your will is they find you, so home they could go!But every time that you whisper, theyre missing the message, and turn from your heartache and seek after wreckage! If only they knew, what peace that awaits them! If only they knew, the truth that can save them! If only they knew the lies that have chained them! If only they saw your love that protects them! Behold! I do something new! Behold Im reaching for YOU! Behold I AM longing for you! I love you! I watch you! I see you! I know! I know every tear, on your pillows that flow! I catch every one in my bottle! None of them wasted, none of them lost! Theyre the reason in heaven, why all things are living! Theyre yours!They sing your pain a lullaby, I hold you in all moments as you cry!If youre wondering the answers to your questions why?For family! My family! Youre my family,my love! Dont you see!?Come unto me! Will you know it this moment the truth makes you free!?I gave you my words that will lead you all home!Ephesians six twelve, youre not fighting alone! Im here!Please hear me!Im literally with you!I speak love in your life and guide you not trick you!Someday you will see,me, soon![outro][Instrumental Interlude][fadeout][end]

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