thousand cherry blossoms
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(bētunge begangað bealde cēne ednīwað cynerīce wlanc and wlite under wealde siblīce and sigelīce twihweohlode scride scrīðe swegle sunnanhīwe fāgum glēdig gār, geond grund gelīðe beorge bealo blǣddagum andlang hwyrftes awa cleacige hidres ðidres heorte fetod mægð and maga maciað mōdige under middangeardes metod ðūsend cirstrēowa blēwð geblanden on ðā niht and ðīn hlēoðor offlēwð gehæfd ðā for nāwiht bið gebeorscipe hēr be īsenbendum nū of ðǣm wrāðan weargtrēowe geondwlīte ðū innan middangeardes is simle mirce mist wōplēoð ðiderweardes gewītt on losewist hǣwnu heofonwolcnu on heonan hēanne burh mid ðȳ scīran strǣle scēote swegel ðurh se geðyncð ðæt hildwīs stande se is heretoga sōðe forð and ongēan steppeð, gande hēahglīwestre tō wōðe swā hwilc swā gē sīen, ætsomne efne mētað ǣghwylc ēower hālge hergas, hweorfað ðonne ān, twēgen, ðrēo, fēower swifte sacerdgeat ðurhsmogen bið sorhlēas sunnfeld, sǣlas ordes fullfremung gefunden, fæsted frið mid ðȳ hlīsan herewordes ðūsend cirstrēowa blēwð geblanden on ðā niht and ðīn hlēoðor offlēwð gehæfd ðā for nāwiht bið gebeorscipe hēr be īsenbendum nū of ðǣm wrāðan weargtrēowe geondwlīte ðū innan middangeardes is simle mirce mist wōplēoð ðiderweardes gewītt on losewist ofer hyhtes hylle on heonan feorre lēah ðisne fȳrgan flān gefyse forð up hēah andlang hwyrftes awa cleacige hidres ðidres heorte fetod mægð and maga maciað mōdige under middangeardes metod ðūsend cirstrēowa blēwð geblanden on ðā niht and ðīn hlēoðor offlēwð gehæfd ðā for nāwiht bið gebeorscipe hēr be īsenbendum nū ðā of hēarre hengenne gehlēape ðū ðūsend cirstrēowa wiext geblanden nihtes blǣd singst ðū nū ðā ðǣrnīehst mid sealte ic innan snǣd bið gebeorscipe hēr be īsenbendum nū mid ðȳ scīrum strǣlum ofer scēote ðū)
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